Friday 6 November 2015

Versing your Goliath

"So Saul clothed David with his armour, and to put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail." (1Sam 17:38)

We cannot fight battles with natural means for our fight is not against flesh and blood (as was David's), but scripture teaches us we fight a spiritual battle against, authorities, rulers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Eph 6:12). Saul tried to arm David with his own battle arrangement but it didn't fit.  We also cannot fight battles by using someone else's successful methods, as every "fight" has different circumstances and different levels of faith. Saul had won many battles using his armour, but it would have made David clumsy. David won this battle purely through his faith in God who had delivered him in various other situations.

Interestingly,  Goliath came out every morning and evening to taunt them for 40 days and nights. Mornings and evenings were times of worship for the Israelites and Goliath was distracting them from that worship.  This is exactly what the enemy wants, to detract us from looking and relying on God. God was the One, who clearly in their history, fought their battles successfully, but in this situation they were not drawing close to Him for their strength, comfort and faith.  They had moved from faith in the Deliverer to their own arm of flesh and it was inadequate against Goliath and his army.  We tend to do the same when trials come and we don't draw near to the Father in faith and trust that the battle belongs to Him and He will help us through to victory.

This whole 40 days of taunting, reminds me of Jesus temptation in the desert.  Jesus came against His "Goliath" with the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, yielding power against satan that was undefeatable. This too, is one of the Spiritual weapons that we must wield against tormenting
circumstances.  We see clearly that David had the last word with Goliath.

".....but I am coming against you in the Name of the Lord, the God of Israel's army, Whom you have defied !  This very day the Lord will deliver you into my hand.."

After declaring God to Goliath, David's slingshot released the stone with such power it buried right into Goliath's forehead and silenced forever, the taunts that filled the air for 40 days and nights and held captive, with fear, the whole Israelite army. We too, can come with the Word of God and with the Name of Jesus against "Goliaths" in our situations that taunt us day and night; all the "what ifs" can be silenced by our faith and trust in Him.  David spoke with boldness and strength, full of faith in God's delivering power.

It took a worshipper to slay Goliath.  David worshipped God even in the wilderness while tending to the sheep, and in his worship he saw God deliver him from the lion and the bear.  If the armies of Israel, or even Saul, had been worshipping God instead of listening to the taunts of the enemy, perhaps the outcome would have been totally different, and the voice of Goliath silenced long before forty days.

Saul was a man, whom we know from scripture stood head and shoulders above everyone else, yet here he was, paralysed by Goliath's taunts, even though God had delivered him and his army in many past battles.  However, his focus was on Goliath and the fear rendered him powerless and his leadership with no authority to lead as King.  David, a young "whippersnip" of a lad had his focus on God and His faithfulness.

What we focus on becomes our reality, the paralysing fear and defeat of the problem, or the strength
and delivering power of the Word of God.  Speaking out God's promises  concerning any trial will release God's delivering power to change any situation.

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