Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Simple grace

God has given us all things to enjoy richly, simple things that we can take for granted. Like most mornings I really enjoy my breakfast, more so at present being on a diet, and this morning was no exception. I began thinking about how much we take this simple pleasure and the satisfaction that a good meal can bring for granted. We say grace around the table but do we really consider why we should be thankful to God for the provision. I have heard people critise grace because as far as they are concerned they put the meal on the table and cannot make the connection of gratitude to Father, the Creator.

Oh the wisdom of God, that He put life into a seed, so when in the right environment, it bursts forth to grow and reproduce and multiply. What an incredible thing. Not only does the plant grow and produce fruit but the quantity a single fruit tree produces, is well and truly more than it needs to reproduce itself.

The other most amazing thing is that everything our bodies need to grow and function and keep healthy is in the food that God put on the earth. And the variety of grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables speaks to me of God's abundant nature toward us, ensuring we have plenty to chose from that is pleasing to the eye as well as the palette.

Talking about the palette. How satisfying is it not only to have a good meal, but to be able to share that meal with friends and family. How much joy and laughter has there been around the family table.

And just think on the flavour of the different foods that God has made available. To think that God put those flavours there when He created them and then gave us a tongue that can receive and enjoy all these different flavours. I think that is incredible. The wisdom He had to have digestion begin in the mouth, so that we are to savour the flavours and linger over them, to really enjoy them and get the full satisfaction.

We tend to turn mealtime grace into a rote prayer, but when we consider all that God has done, it can once again be a genuine, thankful and heartfelt prayer.

Simple grace offered to an awesome, abundant Giver of GRACE and Life. Let's have abundantly thankful hearts, Amen?

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Caught in an earthly perspective

It is so easy to be caught in an earthly perspective and complain about all kinds of things that, really in the light of eternity, are very small. Here I am, on the way to heaven, yet so many people as well as members of my family are facing an Christless eternity in hell. The bible is very clear:- "He who has the Son has life, He who does not have the Son of God does not have life." 1 Jn 5:12 and Jesus warned: "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." According to the parable of The Sower, only 25% of people will believe and go to heaven. That really is not good odds and it is imperative that we get out the message, the Good News, that Jesus saves us and we have forgiveness for all our sins because of what He did on that cross.

What a perspective to have, The Eternal! If we could keep focused on that alone, how different would our lives be lived here on earth.

For me, I think it helps to produce humility. The fact that God, the Creator of the Universe and all things, chose me before the foundation of the earth to be adopted into His family is a very humbling thought. If I had not heard the Good News and believed, I could still be in my sin and if I had died whilst a sinner, this would have packed a horrible eternal judgement. Oh for the grace that found me and loved me to salvation.

An eternal perspective encourages the gift of compassion as we deal with the lost everyday, even for some, our spouses, children, relatives, friends and workmates. We're ok, they are not okay. We need to shine the light of Christ's love, acceptance and grace upon them so that they can see how different life is when we walk in the love and peace of the Son.

If we kept this eternal perspective, I don't think we would have much to grumble and complain about. We would not be focusing on and critising our church family or pastors, but rather keep on working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Being saved and on our way to heaven, should keep us rejoicing as we have opportunity to gather together with our brothers and sisters before God Almighty, to have times of refreshing in His presence and worship Him with thankful hearts. After all, what is more important, that the Pastor didn't say hello, the music is too loud, the church seems too , "clicky", or the fact that we are saved and growing in God's presence and love. No one and no church is perfect, but we go to meet with God and to please Him. Isn't that more important then all the things we can critise.

If something is lacking in your church, step out and volunteer to fix it. Remember we have been saved from a sure judgement and eternal punishment. Hell, let the full weight of that word sober you, is an awful eternity for those we love. Let's rejoice instead in the forgiveness of our sins and the eternal life we have been promised.

Rom 6:20
For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
Rom 6:21

What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.
Rom 6:22

But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.
Rom 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.