Tuesday 22 February 2011

Freedom in Christ

So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free. John 8:36 (AMP)

As children of God, it is vitally important to our Christian health and faith to walk in the freedom of the truth of the Word of God. Jesus told the Pharisees, who seriously lacked joy in their lives, so bound by religiosity, that He, the Son of God, could set them free. The Pharisees and Sadducees should have been the most joyful, free people of the day, as they were the ones to serve God but all their man made traditions and rules made them the most guilt ridden, sin-focused, finger-pointing hypocrites of the time. Unfortunately, The Truth, Jesus as the Son of God, did not reach their hearts because of the presupposition of who they expected the Messiah to be and to do. Yet the sad truth is, if they had studied the scripture and with open heart and applied them to Jesus, it would have been abundantly clear that Jesus was, indeed the Messiah they were waiting for. Scripture was being fulfilled before their eyes, from Jesus birthplace, the virgin birth, His ministry of healing and teaching, the presentation of Himself as their Messiah riding on a donkey into Jerusalem right through to His death and resurrection.

The Word of God is the truth and is "living and powerful" (Heb 4:12) and when we accept the truth and believe it, we can and will be set free. I remember so clearly when I first accepted Jesus as my Saviour, I was so full of self-loathing, it sucked my joy and kept me bound until the truth of God's Word that I was a child of God, made by Him and given gifts bestowed to me, that He had a plan for me and my future, finally set me free to like who I am in Christ. With my upbringing, I had a victim mentality, and expected life to be hard for me and it was until I realised that the Word warned about "evil forebodings" but I could instead put my trust in God for His good plan for me and that I was indeed a victor in Christ, who said He has overcome the world. I learnt from the Word of God that I could choose, "life or death" through the power of the words I spoke over myself.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. Pro 18:21

This scripture really changed my life dramatically.

Condemnation seems to be a frequent visitor to those whose sins have been forgiven. When we confess our sins, the Word promises us that God will forgive us. Not only that, but Jesus intercedes on our behalf before the throne day and night. We are a forgiven people and God has put our sins away from us as far as the east is from the west so we should not carry the burden of guilt and condemnation.

From a child I felt unloved but God tells me that I'm precious in His sight, that His thoughts about me are uncountable and that He sings over me and delights in me. Not only that, but God showed His love for me, that whilst I was a sinner, Christ died for me.

Let's walk in the freedom of the truth of the Word. I would encourage you to read the scriptures frequently and absorb the truth of the word into your soul. Christ paid for our freedom and our joy and peace and all blessings flow from His hand. Let us choose Life, Amen?

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