Thursday 2 June 2011

Unending love, amazing grace!

Just think on the love of God. What an amazing gift to us that His love endures. It endures through all seasons. It endures through our struggles, through our victories, our everyday Monday to Sunday life. His love is always there, always read to receive us. We know we can come boldly, confidently into His throne room to find His amazing grace. It's available 24/7 to help us. His love, so unconditional, loves us even when we don't perform, even when we sin, even when we fall short of His standard. He waits for us to come running into His arms.

When Adam and Even sinned in the garden, we know the first thing they did was to try and cover the shame and pass the blame. Don't we do the same today? Our society loves to pass the blame, yet Father waits for us to come, face our responsiblilities and sin and ask for help.

We are brought up on performance-based conditional love. We find it so hard to imagine that God loves us regardless of what we do. We "feel" we must try to earn His love but nothing could be further from the truth. His love is always ready to be kind and patient toward us when we come. That's all He wants is His children to come, coming running into His arms and spill our guts, be honest and quiet our soul trusting in His mercy. He doesn't want us to hide from Him when we sin. Christ paid all for our sin and God wants His children to come and find rest and restoration in the arms of the Almighty. He's ready to wipe the tears of repentance away and to remove the guilt and shame and cast our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. He holds no grudge. He holds mercy and grace. Amazing grace.

Let us swim in the sea of His grace as He gently deals with us and calls us into a higher way of living. As we behold Him, as we float on the waves of His love, His nature is able to be imparted to us, until we too become like His Son.

1 comment:

  1. You make me feel like cheering, Ei! So amazing is His Love. We do feel it is unearned, yet it endures through everything we do, think, say - positive and negative.
