Monday, 24 July 2017

Promises from Eternity

In the beginning, GOD!  I love to camp at this point and meditate, because this was the real start of my life.  God is the beginning of all things.  When I looked for life, apart from the SOURCE of LIFE, Jesus, I didn't have real life, I was just existing.  It's when I came to that beginning with Jesus, that exact moment light dawned on me, I realised I needed Him as my Saviour and Lord, I repented, changed my mind and way for His.  This for me was the beginning of the Real Truth, the Real Way and the Real Life.  Everything up to this point was just a shadow.  But my beginning really took shape before I was born, before God began time ticking..

Jesus, the Word teaches us, “was slain before the foundation of the world”.  God's word and promises for us were in “seed” form until “the fullness of time” (Gal 4:4) when Jesus stepped down from eternity into the timeline of humanity.  All the “seed” promises we have in the Word were watered by the blood of the Lamb, and ALL find their fruition or harvest in the Sons and Daughters of Salvation.

He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was manifested in these last times for your sake. 1 Pet 1:20

The Holy Trinity were intentional in showing their goodness toward rebellious and broken humanity BEFORE they even created the world, and before Adam and Eve sinned. They were intentional in provision before any of it was needed and created.  Their love and kindness was to manifest toward us in stark contrast to the kingdom of darkness, that seeks to kill, steal and destroy. (Jn 10:10)  Jesus Christ took up that cross to secure all those promises made in eternity for you and me which is why He could declare, “it is finished”. Jn 19:25

Before our experience with the LIVING CHRIST, we were under the curse and influenced by the kingdom of darkness until LIGHT burst into our hearts.  The veil of darkness was lifted and truth came flooding in.  Now, in and through the cross, all those “seed” promises have become the “yes and amen” in Him. (2 Cor 1:20)

Salvation and healing for our souls and bodies was already in “seed” form in eternity and now through Jesus, the fullness of the promise is ours in the finished work of the cross.  We can receive salvation and that healing by faith now in this time.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we may cease from sinning and live for righteousness. By his wounds you were healed. 1 Pet 2:24

The promises of God can be received by our proclamation of the truth. We don't have to pray and ask because it is already done, hence the use of the past tense in the above scripture.  We just need to proclaim and decree, I am healed by His stripes and then thank God until the manifestation of the promise is fully formed. 

You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established to you. Light shall shine on your ways. Job 22:28

The manifestation of every promise that was set down in eternity and found it culmination in the cross of Christ, brings glory to God, glory to His word and glory to His very nature.

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