This is not a new concept but one that is so good - this life we live is a part of His Story. Before the creation, we were a part of His plan and His purposes to bring His Goodness to others. Many of us didn't realise that we were born for a greater plan and purpose with Christ being the centre and so we walked out our own path.
Often times our story was difficult and hurt, rejection and disappointment lead us to ask the big questions of life. Why am I here, what is life about? We were searching, looking for fulfilment that seemed evasive. We were like a kid’s escaped balloon, floating in a immense blue, no end in sight, lonely, moved and shaped by an unseen wind, our feet to never land on something solid.
My soul is weary of my life; I will leave my complaint upon myself; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. Job 10:1
It is in these moments of life's wandering in the “wings” of our own messed up lives, that God writes us into His Story and onto the “stage” of His unfolding plan. The Holy Spirit who had been working on our hearts for such a long time, catches our attention. He beckons us to come into the spotlight of the Son, centre stage, where the bright lights reveal the truth of Christ and darkness flees. Our focus is now on the lover of our soul and no longer on self, the villain of our story. This villain has been the idol of our life and has driven a hard bargain, grinding us into all kinds of fear, self gratification and self preservation.
In the light of His blood, bathed by His Love, we entered into the story of LIFE. Worn down, battered and bruised from writing our own lines, we now enter into the Story of His Life. His love song burst into our hearts, halting the never ending cycle of disappointments, complaining and looking for acceptance from others.
For he chose us in Christ, before the foundation of the world, that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love. He did this by predestining us to adoption as his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of his will – to the praise of the glory of his grace that he has freely bestowed on us in his dearly loved Son. Eph 1: 4-6
And what a love song! Together with the Saviour, we begin a dance, scene by scene, but more often line by line, as we learn who we are and what His plan is for us. Trust, learnt in His Leading arms, growing in confidence, we surrender into the Saviour’s leading role, and give ourselves more and more into His loving purpose. He breathes the truth into our souls as the Songwriter caresses the love words deep into our reviving hearts. Personal lines of love and acceptance soften the hardened heart and tears of healing begin to flow; our sins gently washed away by His blood and His own tears.
We become the supporting role of a large plan, already laid out. We just have to learn the script, believe His love for us and live it out.
These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; .. they will place their hands on the sick and they will be well.” Mark 16: 17,18
Because of who Jesus is to us, we become more like Him and, as we introduce Him to others, His everlasting arms draws them into His story too.
The everlasting God is a refuge,
and underneath you are his eternal arms. Deut 33:28
There is only one leading role and only one like our Saviour, Lord and King, Jesus. Only one who gives life to the full having surrendered His life to give it to us. There's only One who loves us so fully, He elevates from our despondency into a heavenly realm of existence as His Kingdom becomes alive in us. His loves pours down on us enabling us to love others, forgive others and build them up. No fear, we walk as children of peace, bring healing and LIFE to others as the villain of self no longer keeps the control.
God, our Heavenly Father works All things together for good. This is the main theme in His play as we live and move and have our being in Jesus.
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