Saturday, 25 August 2018

Rejection vs the Love of God

But I want you to I understand Christ is the source of every human alive. 1 Cor 11:3a

Life can make us so needy.  Rejection can make us search our life long for acceptance and love, and, outside of Christ, many look to others to fulfil this God given desire.  Regretfully, it seems to become a downward spiral of continuous searching as we discover that the temporary satisfaction we may receive wears off quickly and we begin to play the blame game. “He/she just didn’t make me happy”, we protest.

The pressure we put upon one another to fulfil what only Christ can, can be enormous, and no one can carry the burden of being someone’s source of all happiness, fulfilment and love.  Often couples who have felt the sting of rejection can fall into this trap of co-dependency for each other and find it impossible to support each other’s full emotional needs. And indeed, no human can. This is because we cannot give away what we don’t have.  The kind of unconditional, selfless love and full acceptance the human heart needs can only come from God our Creator, who is Love, and who is the Source of that love.

‘We love because he first loved us’ (1 John 4:19). 

There is an answer for our love starved hearts; yet many will seek all other avenues first to find the secret of belonging and acceptance only to still have that deep down nagging ache of being empty. The answer, simply, is God our Father through Jesus Christ the Son.  As one of the Hillsong song’s go:-

Christ my all in all
The joy of my salvation 
And this hope will never fail
Heaven is my home

This doesn’t mean, of course, that we don’t need any human on earth.  In fact, God commands that we love Him and others, but if we are looking to have our emotional and spiritual needs met through people, we will be disappointed.  When we live co-dependant on others, we give them place that God should occupy and thereby move into idolatry.

Christ is our source of everything, and the Cross becomes our salvation fulfilling all that our human hearts need.  God said, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you, I have called you by name”. (Is 43:1)  God also promised that no matter what life throws at us, He will be with us through it all.  Our sins and hurts drove us from God our Heavenly Father, yet in His great love for us, He purchased us with the precious blood of His Son.  This is because He wanted to love us, adopt us into His family (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and have us enjoy eternity with Him.

The Cross of Christ is our place of exchange. Our sins are forgiven and His Righteousness given to us as a gift.  To know we can be forgiven of all sin and have all guilt removed will bring a lightness to our weary souls. To know that we now have full and open access to His throne of grace where we find His full acceptance and adoption as His child will bring joy and peace.  He truly is the Source of our full satisfaction.

Rejection cannot hold us bound when we truly have the revelation that we are unconditionally loved by the Creator.  We know from scripture that God knew us before the foundation of the world, where His Lamb was already slain for us. We proceeded from His heart and our times are in His hands. He carefully planned a blueprint for our lives, and a calling and then uniquely gave us the looks, personality and giftings to suit that calling. He placed us in “such a time as this” to effectively bring His Kingdom to earth as we are led by His Spirit. He delighted in the day He brought us forth from the womb and He delights in every aspect of our growth and healing.  He particular loves it when we gain the victory over the damage in our souls that our own rebellion or the sins of others that have been perpetuated against us in this fallen world.  With this victory, that we gain through His grace and mercy, we become His warriors to lead others into victory.  This happens when we come to Him for healing and allow His processing of our hurts to come to light and deal with them.  Often it requires us to forgive ourselves and others.  And so the enemy of our soul is dealt a death blow.

If rejection plagues you, meditate on God’s love for you.  Be defined by what His truth says and not by the negative things that have been said or the circumstances in your life. Find His acceptance and love and allow it to absorb your very being.  Think about this; a Heavenly Father who would sacrifice His Son to bring you into a relationship with Him.  Think about how Jesus willingly laid down His life so that you could find abundant life in Him.  This is true love as Jesus Himself testified,

“Greater Love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (Jn 15:13)

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